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Join the Wirral Ukulele Club in New Brighton UK

Call or Text 0785 32 88809

Wirral Ukulele Club has been going for almost 10 years with some members here since its inception.  New members are always made welcome.  There are two groups: Beginners and Advanced (they prefer to be called the Not So Advanced ) The Beginners class isn’t strictly beginners, some members have been in that group for years but prefer to stay in that group because they know each other.  So, if you’re a complete beginner you have to book some one-to-one lessons with me first, because, there is no point you sitting in the class bewidered, and there is no point holding the class up as I teach you C Major!

We meet on this basis: we have a laugh, and it’s fun, but the focus is to develop you into a good musician.  The ukulele is great instrument to begin learning music and you can learn a few songs quite quickly.  However, that is the starting point.  We’re always learning new songs, new chords, new rhythms.

If you want to become good musician and be amongst a lovely group of people then we’re definitely the group for you.



In the heart of New Brighton, UK, an infectious melody floats through the air, drawing music enthusiasts to a harmonious gathering like a siren’s call. The Wirral Ukulele Club, a vibrant community of strummers and singers, is a testament to the universal appeal of the ukulele. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Wirral Ukulele Club and how it is adding musical joy to the picturesque town of New Brighton.

The Wirral Ukulele Club: A Musical Haven

Nestled along the stunning coastline of New Brighton, the Wirral Ukulele Club has become a cherished hub for locals and visitors alike. Founded by passionate ukulele enthusiasts, the club has evolved into a welcoming space where individuals of all skill levels come together to share their love for music. From beginners seeking guidance to seasoned players looking for camaraderie, the club offers a nurturing environment for everyone.

Strumming by the Sea: The New Brighton Connection

What better place to strum the ukulele than the charming seaside town of New Brighton? With its breathtaking vistas of the Irish Sea and an ambiance of relaxation, New Brighton provides the perfect backdrop for the melodious tunes of the ukulele. The Wirral Ukulele Club’s regular gatherings often spill onto the sandy shores, creating a unique blend of music and nature that is a true delight for both performers and onlookers.

Club Activities and Events

The Wirral Ukulele Club hosts a range of engaging activities and events that cater to diverse interests:

  1. Weekly Jam Sessions: Join fellow members for spirited jam sessions where strumming, singing, and laughter converge in perfect harmony.
  2. Workshops for All Levels: The club offers workshops led by experienced players, catering to beginners eager to learn chords and techniques, as well as advanced players seeking to refine their skills.
  3. Community Performances: Embrace the opportunity to showcase your talents at local events, adding a touch of ukulele charm to New Brighton’s cultural scene.
  4. Social Gatherings: Beyond the music, the club fosters strong friendships through social meetups, creating a sense of belonging that extends beyond the strumming circle.

How to Join the Wirral Ukulele Club

Becoming a part of the Wirral Ukulele Club is a simple and rewarding process: phone or text this number 0785 32 88809

  1. Visit a Gathering: Attend a club gathering to experience the camaraderie and musical spirit firsthand.
  2. Membership: Sign up for club membership, unlocking access to exclusive workshops, events, and resources.
  3. Bring Your Ukulele: Don’t forget to bring your own ukulele to join in the fun – and if you’re new to the instrument, don’t worry; the club welcomes beginners with open arms.
  4. Spread the Joy: Share your experiences with friends and family, inviting them to strum along and be a part of this wonderful musical community.


The Wirral Ukulele Club in New Brighton UK stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of the ukulele and the power of music to unite individuals from all walks of life. Against the backdrop of the picturesque New Brighton coastline, the club’s harmonious gatherings create a tapestry of melodies that enriches both the local community and the souls of its members. So, whether you’re a seasoned player or a curious beginner, the Wirral Ukulele Club beckons, promising a journey of musical exploration, friendship, and the sheer joy of strumming in harmony.